Computer Tricks

How To Make A Shutdown Timer


Shutdown the computer will finish the timer 

There are situations that compel you to leave your computer running, despite the fact that you need to go to bed or leave the house, such as a long antivirus scan or Windows updates. PC Shut Down Timer is an app that can help shut down the computer, regardless if you’re there or not. 

 On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the Run command is used to directly open an application or document whose path is known. It functions more or less like a single-line command line interface.In the GNOME interface, the Run command is used to run applications via terminal commands. It can be accessed by pressing Alt+F2. KDE has similar functionality called KRunner, it's accessible via the same key binds. In the BASIC programming language, RUN is used to start program execution from direct mode.

If you forgot the password for your deep freeze, and if you want to Uninstall Deep Freeze so I'm going to tell you about a software with which you can easily remove the password and can Uninstall Deep Freeze
How to remove & rest deep freeze password (Video Tutorial) 

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